Visualizing my experience with Amal!

Muhammad Anas Tayyab
2 min readJun 12, 2021


A journey of joy, a journey of happiness, a journey of constant learning, a journey with Amal. A journey full of memories, too hard to be pen down, trying to speak my heart out.

Amal Academy, an educational start-up that teaches professional skills? I DON’T AGREE! It’s a start-up that ALIVE THE DEAD SOULS! The lost souls, looking for help, looking for a direction, looking for a path, looking for a ray of hope.

You can’t relate, right? No worries got a perfect example for you. Ever heard of Clock Flowers? Flowers that open in the shiny morning at 9:00 am and close around 3:00 pm?

Amal became something like that for us. We, the fellows, being closed, dead, hopeless, just like the clock flowers before 9 in the morning.

Fellows before Amal Academy

And then, almost all of the Flowers got a message from their respective Program Managers:

A confirmation message from the Program Manager to all the Clock Flowers (Fellows) if they are ready to be opened through the sunshine of Amal Academy

And then, the day came, the first day of the fellowship. Where Amal became the source of sunshine to open us, resulting in us looking something like this.

Fellows after the first session, with a ray of hope, shining and opened

And with the time, fellows kept shining, opening, and even the days came when the fellows started inspiring their fellow fellows.

A before and after photo of flowers (Fellows) graduating from Amal Academy. This park is their graduation ground :))

If you’re reading this, looking like one of those dead flowers, living a life with no direction and badly in need of help, I’d say just get yourself enrolled in the fellowship program, and you will shine like one of those flowers as well!

This is the reflection of my journey, which I tried to explain with this example so that you could visualize this amazing journey too. :)

