Getting Closer to your Mega Project Problem:

Muhammad Anas Tayyab
3 min readApr 9, 2021


Hi everyone. Have you ever thought about what would you do if you have a team of 7 people and you have to work on something that creates a social impact, an impact that will benefit people? Well, I haven’t ever. But now, I’m doing this.

This blog I’m writing is about what you have read above. A group of 7 people, thinking to start something that would benefit people around us. Well before 7 people sit together to discuss something, it’s always beneficial that each and everyone come with their complete homework and ideas. So, I’ve also tried to observe things around myself and come up with a problem statement on which I want to work. So without further ado, let's get into this.

I believe that the education system in Pakistan doesn’t focus on short courses, which can enable students to earn and grow in the field. Students in the age when they have to choose a career path, don’t even know that what is freelancing. The current education system has made our students’ brains job-focused and they are unable to see the other career paths, self-employments, or start-ups. Our society doesn’t accept freelancing as a career. I think it’s high time to change the mindset of society and spread awareness about the significance of freelancing and short courses.

To explore this problem in detail, I took some of my friends on google meet and interviewed them, and asked what they think about freelancing as a career? Everyone's answer was “What's the guarantee that we will get a job?” To which I asked, “What's the guarantee that you would get one after graduation?”. They had no answer to this. I didn’t mean that education and degree are not important, but I believe that people should also start looking towards other ways of earning too.

Here are some of the screenshots from the interview sessions I have taken:

