Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Muhammad Anas Tayyab
2 min readApr 19, 2021


Let's eat our lazy frog!

Pomodoro? What’s that? Don’t worry, I had the same question until I learned that in my Career-Prep Fellowship.

Pomodoro means Tomato in Italian and the Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The technique is related to a timer of short intervals followed by short breaks.

Usually, a 25-minute timer is used, followed by 4–5 minutes of break. And after 4 consecutive Pomodoro, you can take a long break (15–20 minutes).


In this time of busy schedules, it’s very hard to focus on one thing. This technique helps us to keep us focused as we know that we are going to be rewarded after 25 minutes.

I tried this technique when I was working on the rule book of the ASME NEDUET Student Chapter CAD Competition. I was trying to get that done from last week but was unable to complete it. In my recent session of Fellowship, I realized that this technique might work in my case and DID!

I set up a timer of 25 minutes, opened the word doc, website, and started to research about the current CAD Competition which ASME entertains. In the first 25 minutes, I could only read about other CAD Competitions and their criteria. Took a break of 5 minutes and then got back to work.

The second 25 minutes timer was the real one, I started writing the first page of the rule book and with 6th Pomodoro, I was done with the rule book.

As the rule book is not released until now, I can’t share it in this blog. But you can check that on our official Facebook page ASME NED Student Section.

Do let me know in the comments that how was your experience when you applied the Pomodoro technique. Thank you!

